A Change in Platform

A Change in Platform
Changing writing platform

Hello, and thank you for being a subscriber and reader of my newsletter!

I've been busy publishing content every Friday this year and 2024 is soon coming to a close. I have some planned changes to start in 2025, but most immediately, I've switched publishing platforms. I was using Substack which is a nice platform and free for me to use as someone who has a very small following. However, I wasn't happy with the back end of Substack and how it functioned for me.

I've done a little research on other platforms and chose Ghost as the new one for this newsletter to reside on. I do have to pay a few dollars per month for the Pro version, which gives me some nice tools to use, and it allows me to use my own domain name: https://satkowski.xyz When I finish getting all the back end stuff setup for paying subscribers, I would be appreciative for any donations I can use to support this site and my writing work! Thank you!

As of right now, all content on the site is free to read without a paywall. I hope I can keep it that way and only ask for donations instead of hiding content behind a paywall.

This post and tomorrow's scheduled post are on Ghost. I've been able to import all of the existing subscriber information from Substack to Ghost, so you don't need to do anything to keep receiving my content.

As mentioned above I have some changes planned for 2025 and I'll share those as the new year approaches.

Thanks again for sticking with me through 2024!

The content here is mine and does not represent anyone else or my employer.