Picard Management Tip

Picard Management Tip

Anyone who knows me well enough knows I am a big fan of the TV show Star Trek. Captain Jean-Luc Picard is my favorite captain (yes, even over Captain Kirk).

What I like about the character, Picard, is his leadership style. Picard often uses team leadership, and the inclusion of crew members in decision-making, but will act boldly and decisively when it matters most.

Picard will also engage in dialogue with adversaries, or those who do not share his view or opinions while looking for a fresh perspective. He will want to attempt to understand the other parties point of view before making a decision.

When we engage positively, sincerely, and with an open-mind, with those we disagree with, whether it's at work, at home, or out in public, as Picard says, the results may surprise you.

Don't avoid those who would be your adversaries, engage them in meaningful dialog and perhaps you'll each find that you learned something, found common ground, or dispelled misconceptions of one another.

The content here is mine and does not represent anyone else or my employer.